Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014


Choose the right answer  !
The Old Woman and The Sparrow
Once upon a time, there lived a kind hearted man and his wife. One morning, his wife found a poor little sparrow. She took it gently and fed it. To show its gratitude, the sparrow stayed with them and sang every morning. But there was an ill-tempered old woman who didn’t like the sparrow. She cut the sparrow’s tongue. That’s why the bird flew away to its previous nest.
Knowing that their sparrow flew away, the kind man and his wife looked for the sparrow. They walked a long way, crossed the bridges, climbed the mountains and passed the woods.
At last, they could find the sparrow’s nest. The sparrow welcomed them and provided a feast for them. Before they went home, the sparrow brought two baskets; one was large and looked heavy, and the other one was small and light. The sparrow asked them to choose only one. They chose the small and that was the best choice. There were many rolls of silk and piles of gold in it.
            Being jealous, the ill-tempered old woman did the same thing as the kind man and his wife did. She chose the big basket which actually contained wasps and venomous crawlers, such as scorpions, centipedes, and other horrible creatures. Finally, aaathey stung and bit her to death.
1.  Why did the sparrow fly away to its previous nest?
      a. Because the old woman hated the sparrow singing
      b. Because the old man cut the sparrow’s tongue
      c. Because the bird like the old man and woman
      d. Because the bird sang every morning
2 .  Look at the sentence “The sparrow welcomed them and provided a feast for them”    
      What does the word “provided” mean?
      a. brought
      b. gave
      c. made
      d. took

3 . What did the sparrow do when  the old man and woman found his nest?
      a. He refused them to meet him
      b. He greeted them warmly
      c. He was angry with them
      d. He asked them to go away

4 . What moral value can you learn from the story?
      a. Kindness begets kindness.
      b. It's no use crying over spilt milk.
      c. If you want a friend, be a friend.
      d. Honesty is the best policy



5.   Where can we possibly find the notice?
A.    In the lobby.                 
B.     In the longue.     
C.     In public places. 
D.    In the meeting room.

6.   Read the following text to answer question          

Which of the following statements describes this sign most accurately?
A.   We may not dance on this wet floor!
B.   The floor is dangerous for the people
C.   You must be careful to walk on this floor.
D.  The man is skiing gracefully on the wet floor

7. Based on the directions biven on the route map, where is the location of the inteview?
     a. Mosque
     b. Bird Park
     c. Bandar Sunway
     d. Sapphire Country Club

8. The notice above means …………
    a. No one is allowed to pass through the area
    b. A few people can pass hrough the area
    c. All people can pass through the area
    d. The area is very dangerous

The text is for the questions no. 9 and 10.

Dolphins are our oldest friend in the sea. You can see dolphins swimming and playing in warm seas all over the world. Dolphins are popular at theme parks, too. There are many stories about dolphins. Sometimes, dolphins help ships in trouble. They also help people who are drowning.
Dolphins are about 8-9 feet (245-275 cm) long. They weigh 400-500 pounds (180-225 kg). Dolphins are not fish. They are mammals. They live in large groups. Dolphins have strong feelings and great memories. They are also very smart.
Dolphins communicate by sonar. A dolphin’s sonar is much better than man-made sonar. Dolphins “whistle,” “click,” and make sonar “pictures” to communicate with each other. Today, scientists study dolphins and their sonar. The military is also interested in dolphins.
People often swim with dolphins. When they swim with dolphins, people feel very happy. Sometimes, dolphins can help people who are sick. They help people with their sonar.

9. What is the main idea of the text above?
     a. the story about helpful mammals
b. the description of dolphins
c. the people’s oldest friends
     d. the smart mammals

10. How many ways do dolphins communicate with each other?
a. one
b. two
c. three
     d. four

The text is for the questions no. 11 and 12.

           Stefano was small. He had narrow shoulders. He had thin arms. His chest was small, and his legs were skinny. Stefano did not like his body. “My body is weak,” he thought. "I want a big, strong body.”
           Stefano went to the library. He found a book about exercise. He read the book. The book said he should exercise, and he should eat healthy food. Stefano thought, “I am going to exercise, and I am going to eat healthy food.”
           So, Stefano exercised. He exercised on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He ate a lot of fruit and vegetables. Soon, he had a big, strong body.

11. What was Stefano  like before he read the book?
a. He was healthy, strong, and big
b. He was small, thin, and skinny
     c. He was strong and healthy
d. He was smart and diligent

12.  Look at the sentence, “He found a book about exercise” at the first paragraph. What   
       does the word “found” mean?
a. got
b. met
c. took
d. had

Read the text to answer questions number 13, 14, 15

Lemon Sauce
Ingredients        :   1 tablespoon conrstarch
½ cup white sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1 cup boiling water
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
1 lemon, juiced

In large saucepan, stir together sugar, cornstarch, salt and nutmeg. Gradually stir in boiling water, then simmer over low heat until thick, stirring occasionally.
Remove from heat; stir in butter, lemon zest and lemon juice and serve

13. What is the purpose the text above?
a.  To tell us  how to make Lemon Sauce
b.  To inform us  how to make Lemon Sauce
c.  To  announce about  how make Lemon Sauce
d.  To give insturction of how to make Lemon Sauce

14. What should you do after you simmer the mixture of sugar cornstarch, salt and  
a.  Stir the mixture of ingredients
b.  Serve the lemon sauce
c.  Stir in boiling water
d.  Remove from heat

15. ….. then simmer over low heat until thick, stirring occasionally. The underlined word  
a.  often
b.  sometimes
c.  rarely
d.  always

The following graph is for questions no. 16 and 17

16. What does the table tell us?
       a. the statistic of life expectancy
        b. the report of life expectancy
        c. the male and female life expectancy
        d. the record of life expectancy

17. One significant fact that is shown on the table is …..
       a. Males have a longer life expectancy than females
       b. Females have a longer life expectancy than males
       c. The life expectancy of the males has been increasing since 2000
       d. The life expectancy of the females has been decreasing since 2000

The following text is for questions no. 18  and  19.

Taman Safari Bird Farm Indonesia
Assistant Bird-keeper
The job:       * Daily care and maintanance of the company’s aviaries
The person: * Must have love for birds
                    * Experience not necessary
                    * Non-citizens may apply
The salary:  * Rp. 1.500.000 per month including transport, uniform


18. According to the text, the person most likely to get the job is ….
    1. a bird lover
    2. a non-citizen
    3. the one who goes for the interview
    4. the one who likes to listen to birds singing

19.  Look at the word “aviaries” in the text. What does the underlined word mean?
    1. large cages for birds
    2. large enclosures for pets
    3. large gardens for keeping birds
    4. large zoos specially for keeping pets

The following text is for questions no. 20 to 25.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa, in Pisa, Italy, is famous because it looks like it might fall over. This circular bell tower stands next to Pisa’s cathedral. It is 187 feet high and has 8 floors. Over 293 steps lead to 7 bells at the top. The outside is decorated with arches and columns.
Construction began in 1173. After the first three floors were finished in 1178, the tower leaned to the north. Construction then stopped until 1275 because Pisa was at war. The next three floors were built even with the ground, instead of the bottom floors, to try to correct the lean. When they were finished about 1319, the tower leaned to the south. The last two floors were added about 1350.
During the long building delays, the tower’s weight compressed the ground under it. This strengthened its base enough to keep it from falling, but it still leaned a bit more each year. The tower leans because it is too heavy for the ground it is built on. The uneven layers of soft sand and clay beneath it have caused the tower to sink more in certain places.
Over the years, the tower became a symbol of Italy and an important tourist attraction. Several attempts were made to straighten the tower, but some just made it worse. By 1990, the top floor leaned 17 feet to the south.

20. The statements below are FALSE according to the text, EXCEPT …….
       a. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is 293 feet high.
       b. It took over 100 years to complete the building of the tower.
       c. The ground beneath the tower is very hard and solid.
       d. Several attempts to straighten the tower succeeded.

21. What is the title of the text above?
a. Pisa
b. Famous tower in Italy
c. The leaning tower of Pisa
d. The construction of the leaning tower

22. When were the second three floors built?
a. 1173
b. 1175
c. 1275
d. 1350

23. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
       a. The history of the construction of the tower
       b. The condition of the contruction of the tower
       c. The situattion of the contruction of the tower
       d. The composition of the construction of the tower

24. Why does the tower lean?
a. Because the construction of the tower is too high
b. Because several attempts to straighten were done long time
c. Because the ground is very hard and solid for the leaning tower
d. Because there is the uneven layer of soft sand and clay beneath it
25. Look at the underlined word at the sentence “the tower leaned to the north” at the  
      third paragraph. What does the word “leaned”  mean?
a. fell
b. moved
c. inclined
d. straightened

The following text is for questions no. 26  to  28.

In Sydney, Emiko met her host family. They were huge! They spoke too fast! She saw her new room. It was huge, too! Everything was huge! Emiko felt small. She went to her room and shut the door. She laid on her huge bed and cried. She didn’t come out for two days.
One morning, she saw her host brother, Mike, playing basketball. Emiko thought, “I want to play, too. I want to stop crying. I want to try to speak English.” She was so afraid.
Emiko went outside. She said, “I can play basketball.” Mike threw her the ball. She caught it. She threw it back. He threw it back again. She ran to the basket, jumped and put the ball in. They played all afternoon. They played hard. But Mike won every game. He was a great player.
That night Emiko thought, “I’m going to beat him tomorrow!” And she fell asleep.

26. The best title of the text above is ……
a. Sydney
b. host family
c. Sydney Home Stay
d. Emiko’s Host Family
27. When did Emiko start playing basketball?
a. In the first day in Sydney
b. In the second day in Sydney
c. In the third day in Sydney
d. In the fourth day in Sydney

28. Look at the picture. What was  Emiko  doing?

      a. She was catching the ball from Mike
      b. She was going to throw the ball
c. She was holding the ball and running
d. She was playing the basketball alone

The following text is for questions no. 29   to  31.

CASANOVA’S Annual Sale
This week only
                    Men and women’s
  Save          Clothing Shoes, coats and
   25%          Sweaters, swim wears, Jeans, shoes

                    Jewelry, Watches, rings, Earrings, necklaces
                    Furniture: Leather sofas,
  Save          Dinning tables and chairs
   40%          Bookcases

                    Luggage: Bags and briefcases

Casanova’s is on Jl. Kenanga 84
Open from 09.00 a.m. to 09.00 p.m.


29. How long is the sale in CASANOVA?
a. one year
b. one month
c. seven days
d. twelve hours

30. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. to entertain everyone to go to CASANOVA
b. to invite everyone to see the sale in CASANOVA
c. to inform everyone to get discount in CASANOVA
d. to persuade everyone to buy things in CASANOVA

31.  “CASANOVA’S Annual Sale”. Look at the underline word
.What does the word “annual” mean?
a. every year
b. every month
c. every week
d. every day

The following text is for questions no. 32  to 35.

Dear parents,
                Nearing the end of academic year, we would like to remind you that we plan to have a tour to Bali. To carry out this program, we plan to do some fund raising. We have managed to collect arround fifteen million rupiahs and we need more 3 million to cover the expenses. If you are willing to support the program, by donating some money, please indicate that filling out the form.
               Your prompt responses is highly appreciated
Your sincerely,
Yasmin Hadiwijaya

32. What is the main plan of the school?
a. To invite the parents to come to school
b. To ask the parents to give some donations
c. To do some fund rising
d. To have a tour to Bali

33. What must the parents do to show if they agree to sport the school plan?
a. They must support the program
b. They must fill out the form
c. They must donate the fund rising
d. They must appreciate the program

34. Look at the sentence “….we would like to remind you that…” What does the
      underlined word  refer to?
a. the headmaster
b. the students
c. the parents
d. the teachers

35. Look at the sentence “If you are willing to support the program..” What is the
      synonym of the word “willing” ?
a. hope
b. intend
c. expect
d. decide
The following text is for questions no. 36  to  38.

36. Which of the following is not a way protecting wildlife?
a. Meting out harsh punishment against poachers
b. Not buying clothing made from endangered wildlife
c. Hearing about endangered species being sold as pets
d. teaching students about how to protect wildlife

37. How many subjects can the students learn about how to protect wildlife through?
a. three
b. four
c. five
d. six

38. What does the word “POACHERS” in the text mean?
a. a bag formed from skin in the mouth of some animals
b. someone who catches and kills animals illegally
c. a bag of soft container for a small object
d. a pocket of the lower part of the body

The following text is for questions no. 39  to  42.

  AN ANT went to the bank of a river to drink to satifsy its thirst. It was being carried away by the rush of the stream, and almost on the point of drowning.  A Dove  was sitting on a tree overhanging the water. Then, he plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her.  The Ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank.  Shortly afterwards a birdcatcher came and stood under the tree, and laid his lime-twigs to make a trap for the Dove, which sat in the branches.  The Ant realized that the Dove was in danger, then she stung him in the foot.  In pain the birdcatcher threw down the twigs, and the noise made the Dove fly away.



39. What is the best title of the text above?
a. The Ant
b. The Dove
c. The Ant and the Dove
d. The Ant, the Dove and the Birdcatcher

40. How was the Dove?
a. He was helpful
b. He was naughty
c. He was silly
d. He was lucky

41. What moral value can we learn from the story?
a. Ones need to help each other
b. Working hard makes fortune
c. One good turn deserves another
d. The strongest is the most powerful

42. Look at the sentence “…he plucked a leaf and let it fall”. What does the underlined
      word mean?
a. pulled
b. hit
c. took
d. put

For number 43, 44, 45, choose the suitable words to fill in the blank.

Pelé first …43… the game of soccer from his father. As a youngster, Pelé played soccer for a local club. By the time he …44… sixteen years old, he was playing professionally for the Santos Football Club. The club won nine national championships while he played …45… it.

43. a. learned
b. learns
      c. learning
d. learn

44. a. is
b. has been
      c. was
d. had been

45. a. in
      b. at
c. by
d. for

46 . Arrange the words into a good sentence!



 Math and Physics


a.     4  -  3  -  5  -  7  -  1  -  2  -  6
b.    4  -  7  -  1  -  2  -  5  -  3  -  6
c.    4  -  1  -  5  -  7  -  2  -  6  -  3
d.     4  -  1  -  6  -  5  -  7  -  2  -  3

47. Arrange the paragraph into a good story.

The cowboys loved the big, open country. They liked riding their horses, too. They didn’t want a lot of money. They enjoyed their freedom. The cowboys became American heroes.


Many of the cowboys were white Americans. But, many of the cowboys were also Mexican, black Americans, and American Indians. Some of the cowboys were women. They were called “cowgirls.”



Today, Americans enjoy stories about cowboys. There are hundreds of movies about cowboys and their adventures. The cowboys also made a new kind of music. Today, it is called Country and Western music.


The American Civil War was from 1861 to 1865. After the war, many soldiers had no home. But, they did not want to live in big cities. So, they moved to Kansas, Texas, Nebraska, Montana and the Dakotas. They worked on farms called “ranches.” They took care of cows and steers. They became cowboys. It was not easy work.

          a. A  -  B  -  C  -  D
          b. D  -  C  -  B  -  A
          c. A  -  C  -  B  -  D
     d. D  -  B  -  A  -  C

The following text is for questions no. 48, 49, and 50.


Do it with 2, 3 or 4 others (Relatives can join)
No age limit.

1.    Pick up a form from this Glory Supermarket counter.
2.    Complete the form
3.    Drop the completed form in the box labeled *TALLENT SEARCH* at Glory Supermarket
4.    Box will be removed a forth night after the date given below.


24 MAY 2006                                RESIDENT COMMITTEE

48. Who may join the contest of the family’s talents?
       a. the children in the family
       b. the youth in the family
       c. old people in the family
       d. anyone in the family

49. How many kinds of contest will there be in the family’s talents?
      a. Three
      b. Four
      c. Five
      d. Six

50. What should you do before you fill in the form?
      a. read the rule given at the back
      b. drop the completed form in the box
      c. remove the box after the date given below
      d. pick up a form from this Glory Supermarket counter


 Although a jaguar does not live in Asia, it is famous there because there is a car named after the animal. it can be stated in some points, the jaguar belongs to the cat family, it is one of the four big cats along with the lion, the tiger and the leopard, because it has sport a jaguar is often mistaken for a leopard however, a jaguar has large rosette markings, a stronger body and a shorter tail, The jaguar is brownish yellow In color and has spots on the head. Jaguar live in variety of locations, the rainforest and wet grassland of central and South America form the habitat of the jaguar. The jaguar is an excellent hunter, while the other roaring cats kill their prey by biting it at the neck, the jaguar kills its prey by biting it trough its skull , it usually kills small animals for food but can attack and kill cattle or deer.

52.      Based on the text we know that the Jaguar live in ....
A.   savana
B.   rainforest
C.   hot grassland
D.  jungle

53.      Which information we can find from the text above?
A.     The jaguar live in Asia
B.    The jaguar has spot on the tail
C.    The jaguar live in North America
D.    The jaguar has a very strong body

54.      The jaguar is brownish yellow in color and has spot on the head. (Line 4)
The underlined word has the same meaning as ....
A.     Mark
B.    Hole
C.    Shape
D.    Signal

55.  Arrange the following words into a good sentence.
swimming  to    don’t    your  bringforgetswimsuitbefore.
          1               2        3            4          5            6            7                8
A.   3-6-2-5-4-7-8-1
B.   3-6-2-1-4-7-8-5
C.   3-6-2-5-1-7-8-4
D.  3-6-1-8-2-5-4-7

56.                The best arrangement of the following sentences is . . .

1.  It interested me and attracted me to collect it.
2.  Since then, I collected the stamps when I got letters from my relatives.
3.  I began to collect stamps when I got a letter from my uncle.
4.  My hobby is stamp-collecting.
5.  The stamp was very beautiful and interesting.
6.  I started when I was 10. 

      A. 4-6-3-5-1-2          
      B. 4-5-3-6-2-1         
      C. 4-2-6-1-3-5         
      D. 4-1-2-3-5-6

57. Rearrange these jumbled words into a correct sentence!
       place - other went Malin Kundang – sailing – to 
          1          2         3                4                    5     6   
  1. 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 4
  2. 435 – 6 – 21
  3. 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 6
  4. 4 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 3

58.       Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.
1.     Fry the wings for about ten to fifteen minutes or until the wings is golden brown.
2.     Shake to coat the chicken with seasoned wheat flour
3.     First, put wheat flour, salt, pepper, and chili powder in a palstic bag and shake to mix
4.     After that, heat the oil in a frying pan
5.     Next, add the wings to the bag
6.     Finally, drain the wings and ready to serve

A.   3-5-6-4-1-2
B.   3-5-4-2-1-6
C.   3-5-2-4-1-6
D.  3-5-2-4-6-1

Do you know what the largest lizard is? This lizard is called komodo. It lives in the scrub and woodland of a few Indonesian islands.

Komodo dragon is the world's heaviest lizard, weighing 150 pounds or more. The largest Komodo ever measured was more than 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg) but the average size of komodo in the wild is about 8 feet (2.5 meters) long and 200 pounds (91 kg)

Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail. They use their keen sense of smell to locate decaying animal remains from several miles away. They also hunt other lizards as well as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic.

The Komodo dragon's teeth are almost completely covered by its gums. When it feeds, the gums bleed, creating an ideal culture for virulent bacteria. The bacteria that lives in the Komodo dragons saliva causes septicemia, or blood poisoning, in its victims. A dragon will bite its prey, and then follow it until the animal is too weak to carry on.

This lizard species is threatened by hunting, loss of prey species and habitat loss.

59.                What does the text tell you about?
A. Komodo dragon is the world's heaviest lizard.
B. Komodo has gray scaly skin and a pointed snout.
C. Komodo dragon's teeth are covered by its gums.
D. They also hunt other lizards as well as large mammals.

60.                How do they kill their prey?
A. Hypnotizing its prey.
B. Using their keen sense of smell.
C. Kicking its prey.
D. Biting its prey.


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